Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Stirring Display of Courage

I believe that was the most interesting performance midterm I have ever seen in my classes with Guru...Yes there was the crazy, insane, nerve wracking midterm in 333 that sent me into shivers. But quite quickly that dissolved when I got up for my solo performance. All the others midterms as well. However, this final posed a new challenge to me. Feeling that I was getting much to comfortable with myself in performing dances I decided to throw caution to the wind and sing to my hearts content a song, the song, the song that I memorized before entering the Dodge Room with some of the most insane memorizing logic that I have had to employ in years. For one, there were no recognizable words in English (Problem 1 for memorization logic). Then, even though I know a beginners worth of Japanese that had absolutely no impact because this was mixed with Sanskrit (Problem 2 for memorization). And finally, my cough decided to show back up in full force about 3 hours before the exam (i.e. bad time to be singing). All in all you would infer that this would lead to a very sticky situation...

I was in fact able to memorize the song despite it's ultimate goal to utterly defy memorization logic, but there was a snag. I could not for the life of me sing that song from memory with my eyes open. I tried...many times. Every time my eyes opened to even the slightest crack Wham!! words were completely gone, mind blank. It was quite confusing. I must have looked so nervous sitting there in front of the staring eyes of Guru, Prof. Palmer, and the dancers with my eyes completely shut and unopening till the end of my number. I'm not exactly sure why this occurs and it puzzles me because I have memorized tons of scripts and sang many songs full on to large audiences with massive amounts of eye contact.

This class is supposed to help us learn new things about the world and ourselves, and this very interesting final has given me a new project to expand my creative speaking environment. And just to clear things up I promise I wasn't scared out of my wits it was just  mental block on my part, it's always a lovely thing to see each and every one of you :) Tah

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