Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Final Exam

Taking the final exam and studying for the final exam in this class was a good break for me. I felt that I actually learned the material in this class and that it expanded my knowledge on the subject so that I could talk about it in an analytical way.

I will say that I am a bit disappointed that we didn't have to do the narrative essay about the history of Asian theatres. I had a very fun and well thought out essay that consisted of a tour throughout Asia through the ages. I wanted to create it in a way that told all of the information but was still fun and exciting and not just spouting history facts. But in the end I felt like my essay for the cumulative question was still good. I liked having a free range to move with the essay to give my own opinion. I always feel I can remember more of the facts if I can incorporate my own thoughts within the work.

I greatly enjoyed this unit that focused more on China and Japan. Having taken 333 it was nice to learn something completely new that I knew absolutely nothing about. (Not that I will ever tire of learning about Southeast Asia :) it's just too interesting) This unit introduced to me a plethora of new genres that I did not know existed in theatre and I feel it has prepared me with a wider scope of what theatre is as I continue on with my major.

Cheerio :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel,
    That was the last question put in different words, more focused maybe, but anyway, you could have answered that question that way.
    Guru ji
