Friday, May 4, 2012

A Blogging Conclusion

Coming into Classical Asian Theaters, I can honestly say that I had no clue what to expect.  I assumed that the course would in some way introduce me to some different ways of thinking- but I also assumed that that would pertain strictly to theater.  And so, needless to say, I was rather surprised when I realized I was taking away a lot more from the course than just different approaches to theater.

The realization that I was receiving knowledge regarding a different perspective on the world was a pretty awesome one, and it happened relatively early on- about a week into the course.  Since then, I've taken away a wealth of life-related knowledge (as well as a ton of interesting facts regarding different types of Asian theaters).  This course has reminded me that it's more about what you take away from a class, and less about the grade you receive on this or that assignment.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't try though.  In fact, it means you should try harder.  Because the only way you're going to get the most out of something is if you go at it with everything you've got.  And so, as to not dishonor those teaching it to you, you owe it to them (AND yourself) to try your hardest.  In this class, I've pushed myself to learn the steps and moves associated with the various theaters we've discussed throughout the course.  But more importantly, I've pushed myself to open my eyes to everything that's around me, realizing in the process (as Abhey said) that "there's a whole other world out there."

I knew coming in that 334 would be a positive experience as I had been referred to the class by former students of Guru who had taken 333 the previous semester.  With that being said, I had no way of predicting just what kind of experience it would be for me.  I think that with the emphasis on community and orality, I received from this course what had been lacking for in the majority of my other classes this past year- a sense of meaning and belonging.  When just one person missed class, it made a difference.  And unfortunately, that usually isn't the case for majority of classes offered at the college.

334 is an experience that I believe could benefit anyone as long as they're willing to approach it with an open mind.  I can certainly attest to the credibility of the experience that I received from it; and I believe my blogs stand as a testament to the meaningfulness of that experience.  I realize that not everyone can take the course- as unfortunately there's only one Guru, one Dr. Palmer, and only so many hours in a day.

Therefore, I am proud to state that, along with my newfound banjar, I'm one of the lucky ones.

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