Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My experience with Theatre

            I always thought I that I knew everything about theatre from the little experience I had.  As a member of the stage crew in my middle school plays, I thought that I had experienced everything theatre-related.  Through this course, I have realized that theatre is not all about what we see on the first glance.  It is so much more than we can ever realize. 

While working backstage for Our Town, I felt that theatre was very mechanical from what I observed during the rehearsals and performance dates.  The lines and actions were on point, but it just seemed like they were forced or carefully timed out.  There was nothing original about the play except for the fact that it was put on by middle schoolers.  After this play, I decided that theatre was not the most exciting area for me.  But this view changed as I got to experience the different types of theatre the world had to offer through this course. 

To truly appreciate theatre, one must drop all expectations and preconceived notions.  This way, you have a clean slate to determine upon.  I practiced this as I watched Disappearance.  I had no idea about what the play would be like and if I would like it or not.  I had heard that it was a different play compared to the other ones William and Mary Theatre department puts on.  The fact that I went without any notions and was ready to experience whatever was displayed helped me enjoy the play’s traditional mixed with modern unique style.   

From now on, I will be able to appreciate theatre in all of its forms due all that I have learned from this class.

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