Tuesday, April 24, 2012

All about Kabuki

Kabuki (sing-dance-skill)
-classic Japanese theater style
-originates from the miko (female shaman), Izumo Taisha
- riverbeds of Kyoto circa 1600's.
-patroned by shogunate
-many Kabuki schools open due to popularity
-females play male and female roles
-related to prostitution

-in 1629, the shogunate bans female kabuki performances due to prostitution
-and concerns about mixing of social classes

-(onnagata) males start playing male and female roles

-bunraku (puppet performance) develops from Kabuki
-many themes, particularly lover's suicide

-mie (pause for emphasis, climax)
-roppo: entrance style (flying, swagger, cat paw)
what's shosagoto?
-shamisen: 3 stringed musical instrument , accompanies performance of kabuki and bunraku

-banned by shogunate in 1840's

-Kabuki rises from underground
-new genres emerged
-aragoto: style of Kabuki that emphasizes exaggerated movement and dynamic kata (forms of movement). Exaggerated costumes and extensive use of red and blue to differentiate roles.

-sponsored by Meiji Emperor

-uses hanamichi (bridge that extends from stage right to the back of auditorium; trap doors; flower path)

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