Tuesday, April 24, 2012

All about Noh

Noh (skill; talent)
-since 14th C
-traditionally 5 plays with kyogen (humorous performances) pieces  between them, now 2 Noh and 1 kyogen
-iemoto system: hierarchy within a troupe, filial piety
-inspired by traditional folktales
-sponsored by Ashikaga shogunate
-lost patronage during the Meiji Restoration
-influenced Kabuki

-shite (characters that start living then appear as ghosts), waki (foil of the shite),{both Noh and Kabuki) jiutai (chorus- utai), joruri (narrator-kataru), tsure (companion of either shite or waki)
-inspired by kaguro (shinto shrines)
-4 corners (energize the movement of performance)
-kagami backdrop (pine tree)
-use of symbolism in costumes
-use of omote (masks)
-jo-ha-kyu: motif of starting slow, speed then abrupt stop

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