As the final was getting closer, I could feel tensions
rising about the material that would be on the final exam. Each time Guru would respond with the fact
that not everything is about grades. I
really feel like that is what I took away from this course. I did take away knowledge on Asian theatre,
but I feel as though what impacted me more was the fact that this course was
not an ordinary course one would experience in college. Guru would say that just by discussing the
exam, it is the same thing as being tested.
He also would reiterate each time an exam got near, that grades were not
important. What is important is what we
take away from this course.
William and Mary is known for its rigorous academic
studies. The students are naturally
pushed to attempt to receive the highest marks as everyone else in the
environment are doing the same. I felt
as though that all those expectations melted away as each lesson passed in this
course. I am forever grateful that I got
to take this course in which I learned many valuable advice. I believe that the lessons we learned in this
class will last us much longer in the real world that text-book based ideas. So, Thank You Guru and Professor Palmer!
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