To compare grades and education, I believe you need to have
an understanding of what each term means. To me, grades are a number or letter
that represents an evaluation of your efforts in a course. Education to me is
increasing knowledge about topics that individuals are ignorant to. I feel that
our education system here at William and Mary is focused around grades versus
education. This is the similar view that we discussed in class.
So here at William and Mary the students have all come to
compete against each other and are all used to winning. This has increased the
competition and students lose sight of the actual value of an education and begin
their focus on grades. You can focus on grades by memorizing a term and getting
the right answer on a test. However, you
might have been missing out deeper meaning of the information and the related
stories on it which could help you more in the future.
Right before the midterm, Guru and we as a class went over
the materials that would be on the test. It was oral and written based where
students answered questions Guru asked. At the end, he emphasized that this
review was more like a test because while we ask and answer each other's
questions, interacting with other students and studying together, we absorb
more information and apply those terms in practice. He made sure that we felt
comfortable taking midterm and tried to give relieve pressure during this
stressful period of time. As we felt relaxed, I think we did better on the test
because we cared about knowledge, not the grade as Guru stressed. People seemed
to enjoy taking the midterm, and had smiles on their faces after it. I was very
thankful to Guru because I am one of the type of people who get very stressed
out over grades and he helped me release that burden off of my shoulders for
the test. As I was confident with the materials, I did not have to worry about
getting a good grade. It just naturally came to me. I remember the lesson that
we learned in class and continue to apply it with the rest of my academics at
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